Women Students’ cardiorespiratory fitness was investigated with 51 women students in the Department of Business Education in Hyosung Women’s University, and 104 in the Department of Physical Education and Dance in the same University as the above. Vo2max was used as me- asurment of Physical fitness, and %Fat of obesity. The results gained are following:
(1). The average value of Vo2max in the Department of Business Education was 34.0±4.1 ml/kg/ min, and that in the Department of Physical Education and Dance was 37.5±6.1 ml/kg/min. The average value of both groups maintained desirable indices.
(2). The members who-are below the average value of Vo2max were 5 persons(9.8%) and 8(7.6%) in the former and latter department respectively.
(3). The average value of %Fat are 19.4%±2.3% 17.3±2.2% in both the departments respectively. These value are far below the average level of Asian group.
(4). There was no one who could be considered as fat in the University. Rather those who are far below the average level of fat were found.
Key Words
The Effects of Spoert The Effects of Sports Taping open Ankle Sprain of Athbtes The Effects of Sports Taping open Ankle Sprain of Athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)들의 족관절(足關節) 염좌(捻挫)시 TAPING이 미치는 영향(影響)
27(2) 217-231, 1988
The Effects of Spoert The Effects of Sports Taping open Ankle Sprain of Athbtes The Effects of Sports Taping open Ankle Sprain of Athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)들의 족관절(足關節) 염좌(捻挫)시 TAPING이 미치는 영향(影響)
The writer has studied on an influence that Taping gives to the raising of playing power of players at the time of spraining Joints of legs through checking patients’ record cards, personal interview, physical strength measurements, and medical test of 25 players chosn from five kinds of sports in the medical office of "S" Company’s team from January 5 to July 5, 1988, and its results are as follows:
A) The re-attack cases were 8 prayers, and its percentage was 32%. Football and fields and tracks occupied match percentage.
B) The physical treatment, massage and cold pressure have shown the best effect in the method of treatment in the said order, and the physical treatment occupid 32% of the 8 players. Two weeks were required for the period of treatment. All have been completely recovered in the state of treatment, but nearly 16% was neglected.
C) The appearance of spraining Joints of legs; Overwork is 287(7 players), the wrapping of the affected part, 24%(6 players), and palace and tool, 16%(4 players), in order.
D) The light sprain of joints of leg has been appeared to all players a little at the results of measuring the physical strength before and after taping, and the effect of taping gave a help effect to them a little. In case of sergeant jump, 6.3m was increased by average, 100m, 2.085 seconds were shortened by average, and in case of distance leaping, 31.6cm was increased by average.
From the results arid conclusions of the study, following recommendations can be made;
A) The preventive method of spraining the joints of legs is a better taping in order to reinforce the muscular ligament.
B) In case that the sprain or muscular leave is happened, taping is used for fixing the affected part and pressure for the purpose of emergency treatment not to remove the affected part while carrying the patient to the medical institution because the internal bleeding may be appeared and the swell may be boiled on the affected part.
C) Taping is used for the purpose of prevention and recovery of athletic ability.
Key Words
Cross-validity of Proposed Equation for Predicting Lactate Threshold and Maximal Oxygen Uptake of Healthy Young Men 자연과학편 : 젖산 역치와 최대 산소섭취량 추정공식의 교차 타당도에 대한 연구
Cross-validity of Proposed Equation for Predicting Lactate Threshold and Maximal Oxygen Uptake of Healthy Young Men 자연과학편 : 젖산 역치와 최대 산소섭취량 추정공식의 교차 타당도에 대한 연구
Research on the Change Cholesterol, Glucose, Total Protein and Albumin in Woman Gymnasts 자연과학편 : 영양상태(營養狀態)에 따른 혈압 피지후 및 Glucose, Total Protein, Albumin Cholesterol 변화에 관한 연구
27(2) 241-252, 1988
Research on the Change Cholesterol, Glucose, Total Protein and Albumin in Woman Gymnasts 자연과학편 : 영양상태(營養狀態)에 따른 혈압 피지후 및 Glucose, Total Protein, Albumin Cholesterol 변화에 관한 연구
To examine how Cholesterol, Total protein, Glucose and Albumin are Changed before and after exercise, I had lodged together at "Sun Wha" elementary school located in Sun Wha Dong, Dae-Jean city selecting four Woman gymnsts-two of them is from A group antral other two of them is from A group and other two of them from B group.
From January, 21th, 1988. I had them eat the same calory of food but had them do different kinds of exercise :
I had A group gymnasts practice gymnastics related to basic skill and B group gymnasts practice gymnastics related to speed and endurance power.
On january 27th, 1988, the seventh day after two different kinds of exercise were given to them, two time of examinations were Carried out :
1st examination(before the exercise): PM, 3 : 05.
2st examination(after the exercise) PM, 5 : 30.
The results of examintions were as followings:
A. Cholesterol
In the case of Cholesterol, every gymnasts showed normal before and after exercise exerpt Park` player in B group and there seemed to be no trouble in nutrition and exercise. The amount of Cholesterol in an average man is 150-180㎎/100cc.
B. Glucose
Glucose averaged 100㎎%-90㎎% in both A and B group and they showed normal before and after exercise, Glucose remained unchanged after eating Sugar or exercising, The amount of Glucose in average man is 80-100㎎/100cc.
C. Total protein
In the case of protein, both A and B group showed normal and they did not show much difference before and after exercising. The amount of total protein in average is 6-8㎎/100cc
D. Albumin
Albumin remained unchanged before and after exercising in both A and B group and showed normal everaging 5,05㎎%-4.7㎎%. The amount of Albumin in an average man is 3.5-5.5㎎/100cc. To summary above, A group showed high decrease rate in Cholesterol (-5.62) and B group in total protein (-4.53㎎%) Especially, Park player in B group showed malnutrition and anaemia and she was required to be Well nourished to be a good player.
To the rest of the player except "Park, nutrition seemed to have nothing to de with exercise contents given to them.
The purpose of this study was to inwestigate differences between junior and high school girls splinters in velocity, sectional velocity, acceleration, sectional acceleration, stride frequency, stride Length, rate of stride to height and rate of stride to Lower Limbs as follow.
1) The conversion in to full speeds after the start, junior high school girls sprinters were swifter than high school girl sprinters.
2) There was difference between velocity of two groups at 50m, 70m, 80m.
3) The technic in the finish section, high school girl sprinters were outstanding.
4) The acceleration, high school girl sprinters were slightly superior than junior highschool girl sprinters and the difference was most marked in the 20m.
5) There was difference between the acceleration of two groups at 50m, 70m, 80m.
6) It has been turned out that highschool girl sprinters speed up their race through shorter steps.
7) The rate of stride to height, junior highschool girl sprinters were found bigger than highschool girl sprinters.
Key Words
The receive formation for spikes of U.S.A and U.S.S.R male national Volleyball Team 자연과학편 : 미국(美國)과 소련(蘇聯) 남자배구(男子排球) 국가대표代表)팀의 리시이브 포오메이션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
27(2) 264-269, 1988
The receive formation for spikes of U.S.A and U.S.S.R male national Volleyball Team 자연과학편 : 미국(美國)과 소련(蘇聯) 남자배구(男子排球) 국가대표代表)팀의 리시이브 포오메이션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The receive formation used by the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R male volleyball teams during the final match at 24th Olympic games analyed using video Tape Recorder.
1. The initial receive formation of the U.S.A was characterized as forward shight where and the U.S.S.R showed traditional formation.
2. The receive formation of the U.S.A against left-spike of U.S.S.R was characterized as the formation for strong spike rather than feinting but the U.S.S.R was prepared for not only strong spike but also feinting.
3. The receive formation of the U.S.A against right-spike was more effective than the U.S.S.R.
4. Both teams’ receive formation agaimst center-spike were appropreately executed for the spike.
5. The spike success rates of. the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R were 45.5% and 38.0% respectively.
Key Words
A Study of changes on Blood Chemical components following Exercise load intesities difference 자연과학편 : 운동부하강도(運動負荷强度)에 따른 혈중화학성분변화(血中化學成分變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
27(2) 270-281, 1988
A Study of changes on Blood Chemical components following Exercise load intesities difference 자연과학편 : 운동부하강도(運動負荷强度)에 따른 혈중화학성분변화(血中化學成分變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
Key Words
A Study on Change of Heart Rate and Systolic Blood Pressure in High Temperature Environment 자연과학편 : 고온환경하(高溫環境下)에서 심박수(心博數) 및 최대혈압(最大血壓)의 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
27(2) 282-290, 1988
A Study on Change of Heart Rate and Systolic Blood Pressure in High Temperature Environment 자연과학편 : 고온환경하(高溫環境下)에서 심박수(心博數) 및 최대혈압(最大血壓)의 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is to measure and analyze the change of the heart rate and systolic blood pressure of seven sprinter, three Kemdo-athletes and ten Non-athletes of 20-21 years old when they are exercising and recovering in High Temperature (35˚C) Environment.
As following are the result of the study.
1. The heart rate of the athletes during the time of test and bicycle ergometer exercise were significantly lower than that of non-athletes.
2. The heart rate of athletes during the time of recovery fell down rapidly compared with that of non-athletes.
3. Systolic blood pressure of non-athletes after bicycle orgometer were higher in 0, 180, 360, 540 kpm than that of athletes and lower in 720, 900, 1080 kpm.
4. Systolic blood pressure of the two groups during the recovery showed a sudden drop between 1 minute and 3 minute, but significantly different after 10 minute.
Key Words
On Observation on the Hematological Changes after Sub - maximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 장거리 선수의 Sub - Maximal 달리기 후의 혈액 변화 연구
27(2) 291-296, 1988
On Observation on the Hematological Changes after Sub - maximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 장거리 선수의 Sub - Maximal 달리기 후의 혈액 변화 연구
The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of the hematological changes after sub-maximal exercise by treadmill test on mean corpuscular volume, red blood cell, hematocrit white blood cell, hemoglobin, glucose, choleslerol, total protein, albumin, sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) we determine in thirteen long distance athles.
The results are summarited as follow :
1. Red blood cell, hematocrit, white blood cell and hemoglobin were significantly increased just after exercise but mean corpuscular volume was slightly decreased.
2. Glucose was no significantly increased just after exercise.
3. Cholesterol, total protein, albumin, sodium and potassium were increased just after exercise.
Key Words
The comparison of aerobic power and muscle strength between middle - aged men participating in regular physical activity and non - active men of same age 자연과학편 : 규칙적인 운동에 참가하는 중년남성과 동 연령층 비활동인의 유산소성 파워 및 근력 비교 연구
27(2) 297-306, 1988
The comparison of aerobic power and muscle strength between middle - aged men participating in regular physical activity and non - active men of same age 자연과학편 : 규칙적인 운동에 참가하는 중년남성과 동 연령층 비활동인의 유산소성 파워 및 근력 비교 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of regular physical activity on physical fitness of middle-aged men. For the purpose, we compared aerobic power and muscle strength between middle-aged men participating in regular physical activity and non-active man of same age. The subjects were healthy seven men in active group and non-active group, respectively.
Muscle strength was measured by grip strength and back muscle strength, and aerobic power was measured by VO₂max, HRmax, MV, AT-% VO₂max and All-out time.
The result was as following.
1. In active group, right grip strength, left grip strength and back muscle strength was 47.8kg, 42.7kg and 141.5kg, respectively and in non-active group, right grip strength, left grip strength and back muscle strength was 45.0kg, 41.4kg and 133.2kg, respectively.
2. The difference of muscle strength between active group and non-active group was not statistically significant (P < 0.05).
3. In active group, VO₂max, HRmax, MV, AT-% VO₂max and All-out time was 53.7㎖/㎏/min, 183.7 beats/min, 124.0 ℓ/min, 60.9% and 12.7 min, respectively and in non-active group, VO₂max, HRmax, MV, AT-% VO₂max, and All-out time was 40.2 ㎖/㎏/min, 189.0 beats/min, 108.5 ℓ/min, 51.0% and 9.9 min, respectively.
4. The difference of aerobic power between active group and non-active group was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
It is concluded that aerobic type of exercise can increase aerobic power of middle-aged men.
Key Words
Effects on Reaction, Movement Time by change with distance of feet and the angle of knee flexion to direaction of exercise 자연과학편 : 운동방향(運動方向)에 따른 간격(間隔)과 무릎 굴신각도(屈伸角度) 변화(變化)가 반응(反應), 동작시간(動作時間)에 미치는 영향(影響)
조성봉SeongBongCho , 고영완YoungWanKo
27(2) 307-313, 1988
Effects on Reaction, Movement Time by change with distance of feet and the angle of knee flexion to direaction of exercise 자연과학편 : 운동방향(運動方向)에 따른 간격(間隔)과 무릎 굴신각도(屈伸角度) 변화(變化)가 반응(反應), 동작시간(動作時間)에 미치는 영향(影響)
조성봉SeongBongCho , 고영완YoungWanKo
The purpose of this study is to investigate change on the Reaction, Movement Time of vistance of feet (20cm, 40cm) and angle of knee flexion (120°, l35°, 150°) to forward, backward, right, Left direaction.
The subjects for this study consist of 30 persons, college man, they were tested Reaction and Movement Time S. P. S. S. program for MANDVA was used.
The conclusion are as follows:
1. The Reaction Time of the forward posture (0.159 sec.) was fastest at the distance of feet with 20cm and the angle of knee flexion with 120° and the Reaction Time of the backward posture (0.227 sec) was the slowest at the distance of feet with 40cm and the angle of knee flexion with 150°.
2. The Movement Time of the backward posture (0.591 sec.) was fast at the distance of feet with 40cm and the angle of knee flexion with 120° and the Reaction Time of the forward posture (0.735 sec.) was the slowest at the distance of feet 20 cm and the angle of knee flexion with 150°.
In Conclusion, the Reaction, Movement Time was relatives the distance of feet and angle of knee flexion.
Key Words
The Effects of Sequencing Conditions on Response Programming Time (RPT) 자연과학편 : 순서화(順序化) 조건변화(條件變化)가 반응계획시간(反應計劃時間)에 미치는 효과(效果)
27(2) 314-322, 1988
The Effects of Sequencing Conditions on Response Programming Time (RPT) 자연과학편 : 순서화(順序化) 조건변화(條件變化)가 반응계획시간(反應計劃時間)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The Purpose of this study in to find sequencing effects on RPT. For the test, the 18 subjects was involved in a serial finger tapping tasks. The tasks orgarnized by the four sequences (12-12, 12-123, 123-12, 123-123). The experiment executed by the within-subjects design on sample reaction time paradigm.
The analysis of RTs for the four sequencing patterns conducted by the 2 × 2 ANOVA.
The results are as fallow :
1. The significant interaction appeared between the two sequence patterns (12-12 and 123-123 VS.12-123 and123-12) [F(1.68) = 5.78, P< .05].
2. No statistical difference in produced between the repeated sequences (12-12 VS. 123-123) [ t(1.34) = 0.27, P < .05].
3. The significant difference in produced between the mixed sequences (12-123 VS. 123-12) [t(1.34) = 3.02, p< .05]
4. The response profile represents the long-short. long-short-short patterns.
5. The degree of response complexity increase with the number of response unit and the different sequencing conditions.
6. The different sequencing effects affected the length of RPT.
Key Words
The Effect of Knowledge of Results on the Balance Training of Gymnastics 자연과학편 : 결과(結果)에 대한 지식(知識)이 체조의 평형성(平衡性) 훈련(訓練)에 미치는 영향
27(2) 323-329, 1988
The Effect of Knowledge of Results on the Balance Training of Gymnastics 자연과학편 : 결과(結果)에 대한 지식(知識)이 체조의 평형성(平衡性) 훈련(訓練)에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of kinematic feedback on balance training of gymnastics.
Twenty middle school female student volunteers were tested in a between-subject design. In the two KR condition experiments were conducted to examine kinematic FB on balance training of gymnastics with a walk-straight with blindfold task.
One-way ANOVA with repeated measure disclosed the following results:
1) There was no significant effect of verbal KR condition.
2) There was statistically significant effect of kinematic KR condition.
3) Significant performance difference between verbal KR condition and kinematic KR condition.
Key Words
Study on the X-Ray of Bonebuilding in accupation Ballerina (Falling Impact of toe - up & Toe - jumping) 자연과학편 : 직업 무용수 발뼈형성에 관한 X-선 조사분석
27(2) 330-336, 1988
Study on the X-Ray of Bonebuilding in accupation Ballerina (Falling Impact of toe - up & Toe - jumping) 자연과학편 : 직업 무용수 발뼈형성에 관한 X-선 조사분석
The purpose of this study is to analyze for falling impact of toe-up and toe-Jumping on occupation Ballerina.
These subjects for this investigation were chosen at purposive sample among the national Ballet group members in 5 Ballerina.
He took the photographs of the damaged regions, focussing on the spot 2 cm lower from the center of fossa malbeoli laterialis.
He used picker 100㎜/A (made in U.S.A). 30 × 20㎝, film, and 50KVP of electricity and took a picture of lateral view of talus and calcaneus for 0.1 second at 90㎝ distance.
The resultes were as follows:
1. Ballerina contestants had radiological evidence in an Bone hypertrophied.
2. The thickness of the ossa pedis: The thickness of ossa pedis average 4.5-5.4㎝ in the subjects.
3. The arch of the ossa pedis: The height of arches of the ossa pedis average 5.1-6.8㎝ in the subjects.
4. 2 Ballerina contestants had radiological evidence in an injury of epiphseal plate.
Key Words
The Analysis on the Influence of the Urbanization on the Growth Acceleration in Height 자연과학편 : 한국청소년(韓國靑少年) 신장(身長)의 발육촉진현상배경(發育促進現象背景) 분석(分析) - 도시화(都市化) 중심(中心)으로 -
공기화KiHwaKong , 구광수KwangSooKu , 김경용KyungYoungKim
27(2) 337-356, 1988
The Analysis on the Influence of the Urbanization on the Growth Acceleration in Height 자연과학편 : 한국청소년(韓國靑少年) 신장(身長)의 발육촉진현상배경(發育促進現象背景) 분석(分析) - 도시화(都市化) 중심(中心)으로 -
공기화KiHwaKong , 구광수KwangSooKu , 김경용KyungYoungKim
This study is to investigate how urbanization has influenced the growth acceleration in height of the bays and girls in Korean cities. The subjects of the study are 5683 boys and 5298 girls who were born in 1970 and selected from 44 cities in Korea. The method for this study is a comparative analysis of the Mean Height and the Maximum Increment Age (MIA) of the boys and girls in relation to the urbanization degree of their cities.
The results are as follows:
1. The boys born in 1970 are taller than those born in 1958 by 2.97 centimeters. In case of the girls the difference of their heights is 1.34 centimeters. The boys born in 1970 showed their Peak Height Velocity (PHV) two years earlier than those born in 1958, and the girls show a difference of one year.
2. The MIA of the boys is 13.38 years of age, and that of the girls is 11.08. The subjects selected from metropolitan cities including the cities near Seoul are taller than those from the other cities when they are at the ages of 11.14, and 17 The former also show an earlier MIA than the latter.
3. In terms of the whole country, MIA shows a significant correlation to such factors as the primary, the secondary and the third industrial employee rate, Engel coefficient, and the urbanization rate of population, which have a remarkable influence on an earlier MIA.
4. In terms of each city, MIA also show a significant correlation to the primary, the secondary, and the third industrial employee rate, and urbanization rate of population, which have a remarkable influence on an earlier MIA.
In conclusion, the primary, and the third industrial employee rate. and Engel coefficient are the most remarkable of the various factors which influence the earlier MIA, and the factors of urbanization have also a remarkable influence on the Growth Acceleration in height.